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Institute for Quantum Science and Technology launches at Calgary

Marie D'Iorio, John Kendall, Barry Sanders, MLA Linda Johnson, Janaka Ruwanpura, and Chip Elliott at the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology launch
Launching the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology at the University of Calgary. (Riley Brandt/University of Calgary)

Last Friday, the University of Calgary celebrated the launch of the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology (IQST).

IQST is a quantum science research institute affiliated with CryptoWorks21 and focused on research, training, and outreach around key themes of quantum optics, quantum information, molecular modelling and nanotechnology. By uniting researchers from a broad range of disciplines, the institute aims to create a rich collaborative and interdisciplinary environment to inspire greater breakthroughs and to serve as a training ground for bright young scientists.

Led by Prof. Barry Sanders, IQST grew out of the Institute for Quantum Information Science, which was established in 2005 at the University of Calgary. With a broader mandate to adapt to rapid advances and growing research opportunities in quantum sciences, IQST aims to advance quantum science and technology with the help of the University of Calgary Faculty of Science, the Alberta Innovates Technology Futures Innovates Centre of Research Excellence program, and government grants.

For more information on the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, check out the profile video on Vimeo.

The launch was heralded by Marie D’Iorio, executive director, National Institute for Nanotechnology at National Research Council and IQST board member; John Kendall, iCORE general manager, Alberta Innovates Technology Futures; Barry Sanders, IQST director; MLA Linda Johnson, Calgary-Glenmore, Government of Alberta; Janaka Ruwanpura, vice-provost (international), University of Calgary; Chip Elliott, chief engineer, Raytheon BBN Technologies, adjunct professor of computer science at Dartmouth College, and principal investigator for Global Environment for Network Innovations.

Marie D'Iorio, John Kendall, Barry Sanders, MLA Linda Johnson, Janaka Ruwanpura, and Chip Elliott at the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology launch
(Source: Riley Brandt/University of Calgary)

For more information on the IQST launch, read the report from the University of Calgary.