News and EventsEvents ▸ Quantum communication devices worksho...

Quantum communication devices workshop - 2024

Dates: June 27, 2024

Location: QNC1201

Registration: To attend the this program please email us at by June 25,2024.

(Lunch is provided)

We will introduce the details and concepts for the space to ground quantum links, and introduce the main technologies required for establishing space QKD including quantum sources, photon detectors, and photon encoding / decoding techniques. We will give an overview on the state of art and men+on some of the previous and upcoming quantum space missions, and discuss the big vision outlook for how space-based quantum technologies can help achieve global quantum networking.


  • Thomas Jennewein, main research passion is how to achieve quantum communications and a Quantum Internet on a global scale. In particular, he is currently pursuing the use of satellites to accomplish intercontinental distances, and is possible with today’s technology. His field of research combines information processing technologies with the laws of quantum physics and is at the forefront of research today, giving rise to powerful new information tools such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography.
  • Sara Zafar Jafarzadeh is a cryptographer and software engineer at Synopsys Inc. and has been a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo in Canada since 2020. Sara has a decade of experience in quantum-safe cryptography and earned her Ph.D in quantum-safe cryptography under the supervision of Dr. Gilles Brassard from the University of Montreal in Canada. She holds her MSc in artificial intelligence and computer engineering.