International QKD Summer School 2013

Application deadline: 15 May 2013
Late applications accepted
The Institute for Quantum Computing will host the 2013 edition of the International Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Summer School on 29 July-2 August 2013 at the University of Waterloo. The summer school is a 5-day program of lectures and tutorials focusing on theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum communication with a particular focus on quantum cryptography. It is immediately followed by the QCRYPT 2013 conference.
The QKD Summer School aims to provide a solid foundation in relevant approaches and techniques to enable graduate students and young postdoctoral fellows to perform their own independent research. The program will cover topics including classical cryptography, security analysis of QKD, and optical implementations of QKD.
Participants will be responsible for a fee of $120, which does not include transportation or accommodations.
For more information on topics and arrangements, please visit the International QKD Summer School 2013 website.
To attend the QKD Summer School, please apply online.