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QCrypt 2013 draws cryptographers to W...
QCrypt 2013 draws cryptographers to Waterloo

QCrypt 2013 attendees included 9 invited speakers from around the world. (QCrypt 2013)
Last week, over 170 researchers and students from around the globe gathered at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) for the third annual QCrypt conference to discuss the progress made in quantum cryptography research this year.
"Quantum cryptography will be a critical part of protecting against the cyber attacks of the future," said Prof. Michele Mosca, IQC Deputy Director and Director of the CryptoWorks21 program.
The conference was held at the University of Waterloo and included tutorials, invited speakers, contributed talks, poster displays and an industrial exhibit featuring companies and research groups displaying 5 working quantum key distribution systems.
For more information, read the report from IQC.